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What I know for sure is that when you make a decisive choice about the kind of life you desire to live... The universe collides in your favor -there's an ebb & flow to it - it's our job to remain consistent & intentional while enjoying the journey.

A journey it will be!


Do you wholeheartedly understand that passion lives within all of us, that we each possess a distinctive spark that glows fervently in the cores of our being and acts as a catalyst for all we wish to acquire, conquer and accomplish?


Still, many of us struggle to attain the joy and fulfillment we deserve because we are not sure how to bring our passions alive, how to transform our mere sparks of ardor into the infernos necessary to set our souls ablaze and experience the fruition of our most exhilarating dreams and aspirations!

Give yourself and others grace as you define and refine who you are!

Possessing the heart of a humanitarian, the spirit of a survivor and the aura of a refined socialite, 41-year-old philanthropist/model/ actor /motivational speaker Gemini Montiea Wadley is a living paradigm of what one can overcome and achieve once he or she discovers and embraces his or her true calling! Having come of age in housing projects in Chattanooga, Tennessee with a sporadically abusive, alcoholic mother who passed on during his early adulthood and a father who sold drugs and was imprisoned during his formative years, Gemini was forced to become self-sufficient at an early age.

He quickly began to realize the significance of utilizing self-love as a means of empowering himself and improving his condition, which ultimately facilitated his desire to share life lessons with others by means of motivational speaking. Through his work as an efficacious admissions counselor at his alma mater – Columbia College Chicago – where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing Communications with a Theatre minor in 2003, Gemini has affected thousands of students via his vivacious personality, infectious energy and words of guidance, inspiration, and motivation.

He reveres working with people on a daily basis – assisting them with important life decisions and ultimately helping bring them closer to their dreams and goals.

Perceiving the value and obscure benefits of life’s intricacies, Gemini wholly acknowledges the elaborate composition of the human experience and believes that self-love, balance and sharing are integral components in unleashing passion and leading a life of fulfillment. “We've all got passion; it's simply a matter of bringing it to life by manifesting the desires of our heart. We do this by doing what we know in the moment, by using the plethora of resources available to us.

Once we take the time to explore who we really are, our paths and visions become even more clear and resolute,” says Gemini, whose “Passion Alive” motivational speaking sessions transcend racial, cultural, personal and circumstantial barriers and are purposefully intertwined with theatrical and comical elements. “Once we become completely in tune with ourselves, everything we do will go toward keeping our passion alive and discovering our true calling,” according to Gemini, a self-described “lover of life.”

When you make a choice, It builds character and increases confidence. This affords the space to choose again and again.

If you are ready to unbind your inner brio and allow your passion to propel you – propel you into a more focused and meaningful academic career, into a new job, into that new dress or suit size, into that new relationship, or simply into that new attitude, allow Gemini to share his story with you! Leave his sessions inspired, renewed, and prepared to bring your


The highest level of freedom is CHOICE!

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